Summer 2023 is fast approaching. Merced rafting trips are up and running April 2nd. In 2019, Paddlers got to experience some truly awesome peak high water and a long lingering summer of rafting. This year, there should be tons of dates for Cherry Creek with solid full-season Class V thrills. We are … [Read more...]
Yosemite Rafting Outlook
Sierra Mac - Updated May 1st, 2023 - this winter had over 12 atmospheric river events, and has broken several records for seasonal precipitation and snow. -Merced options are scheduled to start the first Saturday in April. We are planning on running the Merced until August! -Tuolumne trips … [Read more...]
This Year – Raft Cherry Creek
Rivers each have their own unique reputation, character, and personality. Rafting them and spending time along their banks is an opportunity to know them better.Idaho’s Salmon River, known as the "River of No Return", is a remote journey into one of the lower 48’s great wilderness areas. … [Read more...]
Video Highlights from our 2017 Yosemite Rafting Season
2017 will go down in the history books as one of the highest water years on record and we were lucky to be a part of it. The high energy and enthusiasm began with our early spring trips, continued through peak high water in June and July and lingered into late season. Although our guides can … [Read more...]
Fresh Delicious Meals Served on the River
Nothing builds a hearty appetite like a day of paddling whitewater. The shared excitement and adrenaline demand quality calories. We have learned to prepare for large appetites. Enjoying a meal on the shore of a sparkling river is an integral part of all our trips, and is the perfect way to … [Read more...]
Yosemite Rafting Trip Videos
Capture Some Memories Bring your rafting trip home with you - or share it online! Demand bragging rights on social media! Show it to your grand kids!Sierra Mac now offers video of your rafting trip on the Main Tuolumne or Cherry Creek. $100-140 per boat buys a 4-5 minute edited video or raw … [Read more...]
Map to Combination Cherry Creek/Upper T + Main T Meeting Spot
Combination Cherry Creek/Upper Tuolumne + Main Tuolumne trips meet in the parking lot of Sierra Mac River Trips Headquarters at 6AM (unless otherwise specified) at 27890 Highway 120, 13 miles east of the town of Groveland.If coming from the west, after you pass Buck Meadows look for the … [Read more...]
Map to Cherry Creek/Upper Tuolumne Meeting Spot
Cherry Creek/Upper Tuolumne rafting trips meet in the parking lot of Sierra Mac River Trips Headquarters at 6AM (unless otherwise specified) at 27890 Highway 120, 13 miles east of the town of Groveland.If coming from the west, after you pass Buck Meadows look for the Vista Point/Rim of the … [Read more...]
Research Study Explores the Tuolumne
Fishbio is a fisheries and environmental consulting company dedicated to advancing the research, monitoring, and conservation of fishes around the world. One of their recent projects included an extensive study of the Tuolumne River which provides drinking water for nearly 2.5 million people in the … [Read more...]
California River Photography
Most of the rafting photos that you see on our website were shot by the photographers of Picture This/Rapid Shooters. Owner Mark Leder-Adams has been shooting California rivers since the 1980's, first on the American River and its forks, then later focusing his lens on the Kern, Merced, Tuolumne, … [Read more...]